Saturday, 11 May 2013

What Is A Horoscope? By Astrologer Guruji expert in astrology & horoscope readings. A horoscope ca be described as a reading pertaining to an individual, in which there are revelations concerning health, wealth and love. A horoscope is produced as an astrological chart or diagram, which represents the positions of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn,Rahu, Ketu planets and other astrological aspects. It also measures angles of the heavenly bodies at the time of an event, such as the moment of a person's birth. The word horoscope is derived from Greek words meaning "a look at the hours" and includes terms like astrological chart, celestial map, sky-map, star-chart, radical chart, chart wheel and many other derivative. In general it is better known only as a simple chart. The chart is the astrologer’s tool by which he , being trained in the art of astrology, can determine the meaning of astrological positions relating the individual person. Astrology is neither a basic art or science but instead is a combination of both. For this reason it is not recognised by some intellectual bodies as a genuine art or science, although its use can be traced back thousands of years and is still studied ardently today. Charting Your Destiny Astrologers use the charts that they create to determine the destiny of a person in the form of a personal reading. As each of us are born at specific times of the day and on different days at different times of the year, our birth is represented by a sign. These signs are known as the signs of the zodiac and each zodiac sign is represented by what is known as a house. There are 12 houses, and therefore 12 zodiac signs. At every minute of every day the planets and their positions in relation to the sun and moon are slightly different, as seen from the earth. The astrologer has a means for reading into this relationship aspect and to determine what it all means for the individual. To take the journey forward the chart can be used to see what could possibly lie ahead I terms of the individual’s destiny. These charts are therefore a means for reading a person’s life expectant events and circumstances. And by knowing what lies ahead it is possible to avoid certain aspects that could prove detrimental to health, wealth or love. The trained astrologer is able to see clearly from the position of the planets, at any particular time in the life of the person he is reading for, what comes next. Astrology and Prophecies This is not something to take lightly as history will testify. The most well known astrologer of all time is probably Nostradamus, whose predictions were first made known around the middle of the 16th century. In his time he was better known as a seer, which is someone who can see into the future. However, many astrologers of the time refuted his claims until some of the prophecies started to come true. Nostradamus has been credited with predicting many world events including Hitler and World War II, the Atom Bomb, JFK assassination, Hurricane Katrina, the death of Princess Diana and the great fire of London. However, these prophecies have been seen as pure coincidence by the non-believers and those who are out to debunk everything related to astrology. History throws up much evidence of sincere belief in astrology in many countries and over many thousands of years. Horoscopes of sort were created for kings and warriors before battle and for politicians before elections. Today, many people might follow astrology for sheer amusement, although deep down inside they either believe or want to believe in it, such is the magnitude of its power.

1 comment:

  1. Astrologer Guruji is world best in astrology and horoscope reading and his accuracy is 100%. I recommend his astrology services to everyone.
