Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Lord Jupiter’s Transit Into Gemini Marks A Special Date by astrologer Guruji experts in astrology and horoscope readings On 31st May 2013, Lord Jupiter will transit into Gemini and remain there for a full 12 months. Gemini is in the 9th house and so this transit will directly affect those who were born when the moon was in Libra. What does this mean for Liberians? It all points to enlightenment, peace and prosperity for those with Libra Natal Moon, which means a good year lies ahead for you. On 31st May 2013, Lord Jupiter will transit into Gemini and remain there for a full 12 months. Gemini is in the 9th house and so this transit will directly affect those who were born when the moon was in Libra. What does this mean for Liberians? It all points to enlightenment, peace and prosperity for those with Libra Natal Moon, which means a good year lies ahead for you. Lord Jupiter is known as the planet for higher intelligence and is responsible for raising your consciousness. He is also known for making you think more deeply about things that may affect your future life, like education and money. It is therefore wise to think about investing wisely and perhaps embarking on a course of higher education, which will bring benefits in the long term. Children are also indicated, and so this is good time to plan a family. Lord Jupiter's transit into Gemini signifies a long lasting impact on individual wealth and education along with a more worldly influence. Jupiter, the Lord of Fortune is at the heart of our human civilisation and can have profound effects on such areas as Law, Philosophy, Education, Personal wisdom and Traditions including the Arts. As it begins its progress through the transit we are encouraged to celebrate this event with Pooja's and fire rituals. Reaching Out To The Higher Level By celebrating in this way you will give yourself the added power needed to benefit from all the successes that await you and keep at bay those possible harmful effects that could also be present. Jupiter is a large, heavy planet which is responsible for protecting the earth against the threat of asteroids. It's protecting nature can, when the favourably placed, help to keep you safe from harm and bad karma. On the other side of the scale, if unfavourably placed, Lord Jupiter can have the opposite effect. This can bring fear and unrest, harm and the loss of opportunities regarding wealth creation for the future. Jupiter's transit is such a significant event in the astrological calendar because of its awesome power and influence on so many areas of our lives, which could leave a lasting impression for many years to come. The spiritual effect alone can effect you as an individual, such is the depth of energy. Of all the planets Lord Jupiter has the power to grant wishes and help bring our goals and ambitions to fruition. It is through Jupiter that you can attain the higher level of consciousness that is required to progress in your life. This wisdom is for all those who seek it, and you just need to have direction and guidance. Astrologer Guruji is able to help and guide you to the path that Jupiter has illuminated for you. What Does This All Mean For You? Each of us will be affected in some way by Lord Jupiter's transit, some more than others. In order to know exactly how you will be affected, a reading can be created for you based on your moon sign. These effects can be both favourable and unfavourable and to varying degrees. Areas of your life that can be affected are wealth and employment, both long term and short term. Other specific issues, which might relate to you, concern children and family matters. There is also the likelihood of business opportunities, which spell new beginnings for some. Travel is also highlighted for some but the main events are centred around monetary gain and advancement. To know what your particular fortune will be and how Jupiter is going to impact on your life, it is recommended you consult with a professional, experienced astrologer Guruji who is expert in astrology & horoscope.

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