Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Lord Jupiter’s Transit Into Gemini Marks A Special Date by astrologer Guruji experts in astrology and horoscope readings On 31st May 2013, Lord Jupiter will transit into Gemini and remain there for a full 12 months. Gemini is in the 9th house and so this transit will directly affect those who were born when the moon was in Libra. What does this mean for Liberians? It all points to enlightenment, peace and prosperity for those with Libra Natal Moon, which means a good year lies ahead for you. On 31st May 2013, Lord Jupiter will transit into Gemini and remain there for a full 12 months. Gemini is in the 9th house and so this transit will directly affect those who were born when the moon was in Libra. What does this mean for Liberians? It all points to enlightenment, peace and prosperity for those with Libra Natal Moon, which means a good year lies ahead for you. Lord Jupiter is known as the planet for higher intelligence and is responsible for raising your consciousness. He is also known for making you think more deeply about things that may affect your future life, like education and money. It is therefore wise to think about investing wisely and perhaps embarking on a course of higher education, which will bring benefits in the long term. Children are also indicated, and so this is good time to plan a family. Lord Jupiter's transit into Gemini signifies a long lasting impact on individual wealth and education along with a more worldly influence. Jupiter, the Lord of Fortune is at the heart of our human civilisation and can have profound effects on such areas as Law, Philosophy, Education, Personal wisdom and Traditions including the Arts. As it begins its progress through the transit we are encouraged to celebrate this event with Pooja's and fire rituals. Reaching Out To The Higher Level By celebrating in this way you will give yourself the added power needed to benefit from all the successes that await you and keep at bay those possible harmful effects that could also be present. Jupiter is a large, heavy planet which is responsible for protecting the earth against the threat of asteroids. It's protecting nature can, when the favourably placed, help to keep you safe from harm and bad karma. On the other side of the scale, if unfavourably placed, Lord Jupiter can have the opposite effect. This can bring fear and unrest, harm and the loss of opportunities regarding wealth creation for the future. Jupiter's transit is such a significant event in the astrological calendar because of its awesome power and influence on so many areas of our lives, which could leave a lasting impression for many years to come. The spiritual effect alone can effect you as an individual, such is the depth of energy. Of all the planets Lord Jupiter has the power to grant wishes and help bring our goals and ambitions to fruition. It is through Jupiter that you can attain the higher level of consciousness that is required to progress in your life. This wisdom is for all those who seek it, and you just need to have direction and guidance. Astrologer Guruji is able to help and guide you to the path that Jupiter has illuminated for you. What Does This All Mean For You? Each of us will be affected in some way by Lord Jupiter's transit, some more than others. In order to know exactly how you will be affected, a reading can be created for you based on your moon sign. These effects can be both favourable and unfavourable and to varying degrees. Areas of your life that can be affected are wealth and employment, both long term and short term. Other specific issues, which might relate to you, concern children and family matters. There is also the likelihood of business opportunities, which spell new beginnings for some. Travel is also highlighted for some but the main events are centred around monetary gain and advancement. To know what your particular fortune will be and how Jupiter is going to impact on your life, it is recommended you consult with a professional, experienced astrologer Guruji who is expert in astrology & horoscope.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Beware The Love Spell Scam All over the internet are so called psychics who promise they can cast a love spell over someone and make them fall in love with you. And all you have to do is buy their amulets, bath in their special perfumed salts or buy a pack of their specially selected crystals and all that you desire will be yours. Well, if only. If this was true these people would be millionaires. Instead they are nothing more than cheap scam artists who are out to con you and take your money leaving you with nothing other than empty promises and empty wallets. They may just as well be selling X-ray specs for all the use their potions and promises are worth. However, it is easy for the unsuspecting to believe these "remedies", mainly due to desperation and despair, loneliness and isolation. Everyone wants to be loved and want someone to love, but there is no short cut to love. And there is no way someone who doesn't know you from Adam is ever going to fall under your spell or anyone else's for that matter. Consider Psychic Guidance As A First Step If you are genuinely finding it difficult to meet someone with a view to forming a relationship, then you have several options. One is to put yourself out there in the community and get yourself noticed for all the right reasons. Do some good things, help people out and before long you will find that someone will take a shine to you. People like people who do good deeds. However, it you're not one for mixing and mingling because of a lack of confidence then the other option might be to consult a psychic. A session with a psychic will reveal the truth about your nature and your character and he or she will advise you about what steps to take to overcome your shyness or confidence problem. You might be advised to join a club or take up a specific hobby where you will have contact with people who are like-minded. Let's face it. You are never going to meet anyone if you never go out of the house. So, first and foremost is to become visible to others. Next, your psychic might advise that you read about a certain subject so that you become knowledgeable. You will be able to hold a conversation with someone who is also interested in the subject matter. All this is leading to the creation of a meaningful relationship with another human being who is willing to engage, and not trying to force someone to like you against their will. A Love Reading Is Not A Spell The difference between a genuine love reading conducted by an experienced psychic and a "love spell" is the reading will reveal information for you to act on. For example where best to go to meet your likely partner and what to look out for and what the person might look like. The "love spell" will not reveal anything to you because it is not real and cannot possibly work. In fact the only thing it will reveal is the person who is promising you love is just promising you nothing more than a dream. And you don't need to pay for dreams when you can get them for free. A love reading will help you to understand what the person you are hoping to meet is looking for in a person like you. You will then be able to respond in a positive way when you recognise the signs. The love psychic will tell you when the time will be right to meet this person, who could become your lifetime soul-mate. Such a person is Love psychic Guruji, who is recognised as one of the most gifted psychics in the country. The moral of any story is the lesson to be learned and in this short story the moral is clearly to avoid the scam artists that stalk naive or innocent people and prey on their vulnerability. Love is for everyone but it just needs to be found. With the help of a good psychic you will find it sooner rather than later.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

What Is Astrology? The word “astrology” is derived from the Greek word “astrologia”, which is made up of two parts, “astron”, meaning “star” and “logia”, which means the “study of”. For centuries humans have gazed up at the stars and wondered at the heavens. Many questions have been asked pertaining to the universe and cosmos, and many answer have come from afar and wide. Over a period of time man has come to realise that movement or positioning of certain stars and planets can have an adverse effect on individual’s behaviour. The most noticeable of changes has come about through the weather and our planet as a whole. Astrology has given us many tools to help us understand human character, and offers us a universal language for communicating our observations with others, who too look and wonder at the beauty of it all. However, astrology is an imperfect language and so we use our interpretations of it to determine what we see. The astrologer’s role is to understand the meaning of our destiny by studying all the astrological information available. This will include the planetary positions of the stars, sun and moon on any particular day in time, which is said to represent our birth sign. These signs are better known as zodiac signs. By correlating all this information the astrologer is able to construct a map or predicted life path on a chart, and it is the continuous study of this art that is known as astrology. The Natal Chart The natal chart is a horoscope or astrological chart, which is drawn from the time of a person’s birth. To be absolutely accurate, the exact time of birth must be known. The word “natal” refers to the “native” or individual whose chart is created or studied. From this chart the experienced astrologer is able to determine the characteristics of the person and is able to gain an insight into the person’s persona as well as his or her potential. Everyone possesses certain characteristics, which may apply to them only, and also qualities and traits which go to make up the personality of a person. Astrology is concerned with the study of these traits as they are represented by the positioning of the planets, sun and moon. It stands to reason that everyone’s natal chart will in some way differ. The modern natal chart used by a Western astrologer will consist of 12 sections, each representing a zodiac symbol. These symbols are well known to just about everyone who has ever looked at their daily horoscopes in the newspapers. As the planets are continuously moving, or at least appear to be due the rotation of the earth, then positioning by degrees is how the chart is read. Each degree tells a slightly different story about the individual. Studied in great detail, the astrologer is able to map out the life of a person and therefore produce with some accuracy a life path or destiny image. Readings And Interpretation As astrology is basically the study of the stars, then the experienced astrologer’s job is to read the signs and interpret them as accurately as possible. In the UK, astrologer Guruji is famed for his accurate predictions relating to astrological & horoscope readings that he produces. So much so that over the years he has built up a devout following. It’s all about the interpretation, as many astrologers will have different views on this, and obviously they can’t all be right. However, certain aspects are standard and almost universally accepted when it comes down to individual characteristics. This can very easily be demonstrated by matching people to their birth signs purely by their behaviour patterns. Even some amateur astrologers are able to do this with some degree of accuracy. For example, the star sign Taurus represents the bull, which is an animal known for it’s stubbornness. The sign Libra, which is represented by the scales, represents someone who is just and fair, as in the scales of justice. Astrology is a fascinating subject and as such will continue to draw scholars to it for many centuries to come.
What Is A Horoscope? By Astrologer Guruji expert in astrology & horoscope readings. A horoscope ca be described as a reading pertaining to an individual, in which there are revelations concerning health, wealth and love. A horoscope is produced as an astrological chart or diagram, which represents the positions of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn,Rahu, Ketu planets and other astrological aspects. It also measures angles of the heavenly bodies at the time of an event, such as the moment of a person's birth. The word horoscope is derived from Greek words meaning "a look at the hours" and includes terms like astrological chart, celestial map, sky-map, star-chart, radical chart, chart wheel and many other derivative. In general it is better known only as a simple chart. The chart is the astrologer’s tool by which he , being trained in the art of astrology, can determine the meaning of astrological positions relating the individual person. Astrology is neither a basic art or science but instead is a combination of both. For this reason it is not recognised by some intellectual bodies as a genuine art or science, although its use can be traced back thousands of years and is still studied ardently today. Charting Your Destiny Astrologers use the charts that they create to determine the destiny of a person in the form of a personal reading. As each of us are born at specific times of the day and on different days at different times of the year, our birth is represented by a sign. These signs are known as the signs of the zodiac and each zodiac sign is represented by what is known as a house. There are 12 houses, and therefore 12 zodiac signs. At every minute of every day the planets and their positions in relation to the sun and moon are slightly different, as seen from the earth. The astrologer has a means for reading into this relationship aspect and to determine what it all means for the individual. To take the journey forward the chart can be used to see what could possibly lie ahead I terms of the individual’s destiny. These charts are therefore a means for reading a person’s life expectant events and circumstances. And by knowing what lies ahead it is possible to avoid certain aspects that could prove detrimental to health, wealth or love. The trained astrologer is able to see clearly from the position of the planets, at any particular time in the life of the person he is reading for, what comes next. Astrology and Prophecies This is not something to take lightly as history will testify. The most well known astrologer of all time is probably Nostradamus, whose predictions were first made known around the middle of the 16th century. In his time he was better known as a seer, which is someone who can see into the future. However, many astrologers of the time refuted his claims until some of the prophecies started to come true. Nostradamus has been credited with predicting many world events including Hitler and World War II, the Atom Bomb, JFK assassination, Hurricane Katrina, the death of Princess Diana and the great fire of London. However, these prophecies have been seen as pure coincidence by the non-believers and those who are out to debunk everything related to astrology. History throws up much evidence of sincere belief in astrology in many countries and over many thousands of years. Horoscopes of sort were created for kings and warriors before battle and for politicians before elections. Today, many people might follow astrology for sheer amusement, although deep down inside they either believe or want to believe in it, such is the magnitude of its power.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

How To Get Your Husband Or Wife Back Bring your ex back Many people think that when you break up with a partner or spouse then that is the end of the matter. Fortunately that is not always the case. Just because a couple break up doesn't mean that they don't have feelings for each other anymore. Very often it the opposite and couples who do split up can live to regret it. Divorce is usually the very last resort and it generally signals the end of what was once a loving relationship. The problem with divorce is it is too easy. It's an easy way out and stops couples from trying harder to mend their relationship and find reconciliation. Whatever the problems are in a relationship there can always be an answer, if both parties are willing to sit down together and simply talk to each other. If you want to get your husband back after a separation then you can try to contact him directly but this might not work. The same applies if you want to get back with your ex wife. So what are the options? If you want to win your husband back or rekindle your love then you might need help from someone who is experienced in these matters. UK Spiritual Healer Guruji is a love psychic and could be the only person who could turn the tide in your favour. He has helped countless couples to find love again after divorce and separation. His ability to see beyond the surface problems and find common ground is well known. Splitting up with someone you love after many years is not easy and often very painful. It is often said that the experience of divorce is worse than that of losing a close relative. Bereavement and divorce are two of the most unpleasant and saddest experiences a human being will ever have to encounter in their lifetime. However, death cannot be avoided but divorce can. Before it gets to the stage where divorce is becoming a consideration, consult with Astrologer & Spiritual healer UK Guruji and he will find a way for you both to get back together. There is always hope where there once was true love. If your husband has left you it is possible to make him think again about leaving you. He once adored you and his feelings can be reignited. Astrologer & Palmist Guruji has the ability and the power to make this happen. You should never give up on something that is important in your life, and there are not many things, which are as important as love, trust and understanding. UK Love psychic & Spiritual healer Guruji can show you how to get back with your ex partner and he will help, if it really is something you truly desire. Happiness is not something that can easily be surrendered and Guruji understands this. Through his prayer and his wisdom your husband or wife could be back with like nothing ever happened. Many people will never experience love in the lives, but those who do should not abandon it so easily. Love is a precious thing and it's the main reason why people marry. If it was special then it can still be special now. Let UK Astrologer Guruji show you how to get your husband or wife back before any more love is lost forever. www.guruji.pw

Monday, 6 May 2013

Important Announcement / News form Guruji Astrologer This is an important message for all of Guruji Astrologer's existing clients and for anyone who wishes to seek his services. It has come to our attention in recent times that a few people are using Guruji's identity to advertise themselves as Astrologers, Psychics and Spiritual healers. They are copying elements of Guruji's websites (which is all his original work) including literature and design and are using it to create their own websites and are advertising services with low/cheap fees. Such fraudulent activity is spreading on Google search, Gumtree, Yell etc etc. This is an important message for all of Guruji Astrologer's existing clients and for anyone who wishes to seek his services. It has come to our attention in recent times that a few people are using Guruji's identity to advertise themselves as Astrologers, Psychics and Spiritual healers. They are copying elements of Guruji's websites (which is all his original work) including literature and design and are using it to create their own websites and are advertising services with low/cheap fees. Such fraudulent activity is spreading on Google search, Gumtree, Yell etc etc. A little reminder of who the real Guruji Astrologer is; In 1995, Guruji was invited to the UK by British Airways for his Astrological services and has resided here ever since. He has 36 years of experience in the fields of: Astrology, Palmistry, Face Reading, Numerology, Tarot and Clairvoyance, reuniting with loved ones and removing all types of Black Magic. He has reunited 2,700 couples in more than 70 Countries and made over 10,000 people free from the effects of Black Magic ensuring they remain protected from future attacks. This is just a glimpse of his track record. Guruji Astrologer has many websites, a link to all of them is provided on each site. He has established offices in Birmingham, London and Delhi. All contact details are evident including his UK landline telephone number. You can even contact Guruji Astrologer via Skype, Facebook and Twitter. The recent uprise in fraudulent Astrologers, Psychics, and Spiritual healers has started to distress innocent vulnerable people seeking such help. People are being lured in by adverts of cheap prices and quick results. They are being enticed with bright promises but are not getting any results. Tricks are being played to scare them and eventually brain wash them into paying a lot of money, causing victims to get into heavy debts. Personal contact details are not kept confidential and personal problems discussed with such fraudsters are being violated. Some fraudsters are in actual fact black magicians themselves. Guruji Astrologer is renowned all over the World for his level of professionalism. All of his clients are treated with the utmost of respect. All cases that Guruji takes are treated seriously and handled with precision. He strives to provide his clients with complete protection from any form of negativity in their past present and future. Prospective clients may think that Guruji Astrologer's charges are expensive but they are calculated after careful consideration of the case and its complexities. His results are 99% accurate and his predictions are always correct. He will always follow the righteous path and give you positive results for what you are already destined for. Guruji won't let you down, will not change his contact details or run away. He is Genuine! The many ways of contacting Guruji Astrologer makes it easy for people anywhere in the World to have a consultation. There is no need for you to travel or make special arrangements to meet him in person. Speaking with him over the phone or via Skype is as good as a face to face meeting. If you still want to meet him personally you can do so by making an appointment at any of his offices in London, Birmingham or Delhi. If you are facing financial difficulties but still wish to use astrological help for your Life then Guruji has set-up free services on his website http://www.gurujiastrologer.co.uk/ .You can receive instant reports for daily, weekly and monthly horoscopes, there is also a Kundli matching service for Marriage prospects. Just submit your details and receive reports immediately. Even if you don't know details such as the time and place of your birth, Guruji can still help if you provide him with details of your skin colour, height and weight. Guruji Astrologer is available all the time and is very easy to talk to. He is a qualified professional who is reliable and trustworthy. He is an honest person and uses his God given gift to help mankind. Please regard this message as a personal request from Guruji Astrologer; be aware of the con-artists that are becoming more and more prevalent (especially from parts of South India, Bangladesh and USA). Please do not call them at your home or office. Do not be fooled by cheap priced services. Investigate the authenticity of the person you wish to consult. If you have become a victim of such scams and fraudsters, please report them to the Police. Guruji condemns such plagiarists and fraudsters who are creating problems by making innocent vulnerable people victims of their scams. Take care. Thank you. Guruji Astrologer PR Team