Friday, 2 August 2013

The Secret Life Of An Astrologer Astrologers all over the world know something that the rest of us don’t, which gives them a big advantage. You have probably heard it said that knowledge is power and there can be none so powerful as those who know what lies beyond each sunset. To many people the astrologer conjures up images of a quirky character with long bedraggled hair gazing intently into a crystal ball. The reality is so very different. In many cases the astrologer is, to all intents and purposes, a very ordinary character. Gender is certainly unimportant but what might have some bearing on the credentials of a bona fide astrologer is age. “The older the wiser” would seem to be an appropriate description, as much has to be learned about this craft and therefore experience plays its role. As for crystal balls, look no further than the fairground because that is one piece of apparatus, which has no value at all to the genuine astrologer. Instead they will toil enthusiastically in creating the perfect birth chart for you. It’s an almost labour of love relationship with an art that immerses them totally in their work and accounts for very little by way of reward. Well, have you ever heard of a millionaire astrologer? Help, advice and guidance business Astrology is anything but a normal day job for any astrologer. There are no set working hours, no modern office and no PA or secretary to help with their daily schedule. Astrologers don’t fit into any recognisable working category. They don’t get sick pay entitlement or qualify for annual paid leave. They don’t belong to any recognisable unions or play any part in business negotiations in the board room. In fact many astrologers are simply freelancers who ply their trade to anyone who might be in need of their help, advice and guidance in matters concerning love, life and money. And that includes just about all of us. So how do go about finding an astrologer and how do you engage their services? These days many astrologers operate on the internet as this is the best medium for reaching the maximum amount of people. Every astrologer worth their weight will have their own website where they will list their range of services together with any fees they charge for their time. On their websites you should be able to access the relevant contact information you need including telephone numbers, email and in some cases their Skype IDs. Creating charts of discovery Genuine astrologers have nothing to hide and so you should find some personal information about them on their websites too. If, in the case of world renowned astrologer Guruji, they have testimonials then they should be clearly visible or at least have a link to a separate page where they can be seen. So what’s the secret? The secret life of an astrologer is the part you pay for, which is their expertise in creating birth charts based on your birth time, date and in some case place. The secret is in their ability to accurately read and determine exactly what these charts mean. These are the horoscope readings. Every one of us is in some way, no matter how small or trivial, different from everyone else. It’s this character or personality trait that makes us who we are. If you don’t know who you are or who you are expected to be then the astrologer can enlighten you. That’s what they do and it’s this skill that makes them appear to lead a secret life. After all, they have so many secrets to keep secure.

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