Sunday, 2 December 2012

***Stop Divorce Spells By world renowned UK Based Best Spiritual healer, Astrologer & Love Psychic Reader Guruji*** To some people marriage is a very sacred thing. It’s a coming together of two people who have agreed to share in each other’s lives. And that means sharing the good times as well as the bad times. Marriage is the ultimate action of two people who are in love and know, deep in their hearts, that there will never be anyone else for them. The bond will never be broken. At least that’s what is expected at the time of the wedding. However, in reality life isn’t always that simple. There are many things in a marriage that can weaken the bond, cast doubt over the relationship and eventually destroy all that was once cherished. Some of the reasons marriages break up include infidelity, in which case there is often no way back, unless there is much understanding and forgiveness. Other reasons are much less treacherous and might include money. Lack of money can cause all kinds of problems in a marriage but for some it can have the effect of forming a closer bond, as each partner strives to provide for the other. A common cause of marriage break-up is sometimes other family members. Interfering members of the family, especially elders can sometimes try to force their will, making one side of the partnership give up the fight. A couple who have no previous experience of each other, and so don’t really know each other, and then marry, risk everything. Getting to know your partner before committing to marriage is always a good idea, especially if you want to avoid all the unpleasantness that comes with divorce. Divorce should always be considered the very last resort when a marriage breaks up, and especially if there are children involved. Whatever the reason for a marriage break-up, is it really a reason for divorce? Divorce is emotionally painful, stressful and costly. It can drag on for many months, during which time animosity grows and hatred simmers in the background. This can lead to hostility and loathing on both sides. It’s not pretty and it’s not pleasant. To avoid this unnecessary drain on emotional and financial resources consider the options. Don’t divorce! Work it out and get on with it. Many couples do every day. But if this seems difficult then consult a psychic healer who can help get your marriage back on track. An experienced psychic healer Guruji will use the power of clairvoyance, astrology and spirituality to create a spell that can hold back the thoughts of divorce. The top Astrologer, Spiritual healer, Psychic reader and Love psychic Guruji can help by implanting thoughts that will lead to a reunion of minds and put aside all desire to separate. Avoiding divorce at all costs has got be worth considering when so much could be at stake. Managing a family break-up, selling the family house and belongings and starting all over gain is not an easy feat for anyone. Talk it through with a reputable psychic reader Guruji and ask for a ritual to be performed so that divorce can be avoided. Problems can be worked out and marriages can be put back together. If it was worth getting married in the first place then it is worth trying to save what you have built together. Consult an specialised experienced best Love Psychic & Spiritual healer Guruji and take the first steps in avoiding the divorce courts. Please visit Guruji web site -- For consultation please call 07714 20 9494
***Get Back Ex Boyfriend Or Ex Girlfriend Spells, How to get your husband back & how to get your husband back from other woman spells..*** **!!By world renowned best Astrologer, Love Psychic & spiritual healer Guruji **!! Every single day and everywhere in the world personal relationships fail, and new ones begin. Some of these relationships may have lasted just a day and some might have been going for a year, two years or even more. The longer the period two people are together the more complex the relationship becomes. It’s not possible to know someone properly after just a few days, but as the months go by you get to learn all about your partner including their habits, moods, preferences and routines. It’s during this period of learning and discovery that many people realise how much their partners mean to them, and when a relationship gets to this stage, problems can begin to creep in. If you have been seeing your boyfriend or girlfriend regularly for at least a few months then you will, by now, be getting into a routine. You will be meeting up four or five times a week, going out to the cinema, restaurants, pubs, and clubs and meeting each other’s friends. During the early months in any relationship can be exciting but can also be fraught with uncertainties, which have to be worked out over time. Sometimes these uncertainties can escalate into obsessions and one of the partners can become possessive and even aggressive. At this point the relationship will either grow or fail. If it grows it will be because each partner is willing to give and take, and each is willing to see the other person’s viewpoint. If it fails it will be because the differences have been declared irreconcilable. Now sometimes, and it happens more often than not, both partners decide to split up temporarily and give each other a break. This can be a very distraught time for either or both partners because there’s the temptation to stray and try out new things with new people. More often a temporary break-up will lead to a permanent break-up, and that’s when you will feel like your whole life has just collapsed around you. With the feeling that life isn’t worth living, you will long for those tender and intimate moments you once shared with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Time will appear to have stopped still as you recall the fun and laughter you shared together. And the question you will be asking yourself is… why? If you feel strongly enough about your boyfriend or girlfriend and you know you had something special together then you don’t have to just accept that it’s all over. Nothing is over until it’s over, which means there’s always a second chance. Many boyfriend and girlfriend relationships can be reignited by nothing more than a chance meeting, perhaps at a party or in a club or when you’re just out shopping. There are so many ways you could accidentally bump into your ex while innocently doing other things, and that’s where an opportunity exists for you. If you would seriously like to get back with your ex then first consult Love psychic Guruji who specialises in helping people get back with their ex partners. You’ll find that experienced psychic Guruji , with the use of his spiritual powers, can perform a ritual that will uncannily place you and your ex in the same place at the same time. The love spell that the psychic healer Guruji will cast also has the power to make your ex boyfriend or girlfriend remember all the good things about you and will want to get back together so they can be experienced again. It may not be instantly obvious but the spell will sow the seed for a renewal of friendship and a willingness to give the relationship another try. Consult Guruji now 0n 07714 20 9494

Thursday, 8 November 2012

What Is Indian Palmistry? BY TOP PALMIST, ASTROLOGER,SPIRITUAL HEALER, FACE READER, PSYCHIC READER & LOVE PSYCHIC FROM UK GURUJI The ancient practice of Indian Palmistry is believed to be the science reading a person’s character and their changing fate. The fingers represent the celestial bodies of the sun, moon, earth and other important planets. According to the physics of palmistry our hands come in various shapes. These are described as conical, square and spatula and each shape has its own special meaning. The fingers also reveal to the experienced palm reader a person’s psychological constitution, which is often indicated by the size of the fingers. The lines on the palms of the hands reveal much about a person’s character, life, love and other matters, which can have a bearing on that person’s whole life. Everyone has certain characteristics in their hands and fingers, which are unique to them. For example, finger prints. There are no two finger prints alike in any human being. But it is the flow of energy through the palms that is of interest to the palm reader. It is said this flow of energy comes directly from the brain and flows through the body to the hand, leaving identifiable marks. Each mark or line can be interpreted as a message, which has a bearing on the person’s fate. There are lines on the palms that indicate the person’s state of life, heart and the head. And the experienced palm reader will know what each line is telling them about that person. By reading the patterns and ridges on the finger tips and lines on the palm of the hand the reader is able to determine a clear picture of what lies in store for the hand owner. The occult has an explanation for why these patterns have emerged as they have, and it includes the belief that physical man is an expression of the soul. The patterns on the finger tips are said to be caused by the Higher Self or the Ego as it is better known, making its impression upon the tissues of the body. From this then we must believe that the hands reflect a person’s inner-being. The finger tips have many sensitive nerve endings, which gives us our ability to experience the pleasures and pain of touch, and it is this that also reveals to the palm reader the secrets that are held deep within. It is believed that some people are able to sense colours and read words through their finger tips, such is the power of their sensitivity. Also our hands are quite often an indication of who we are, due to how we use them. For example a musician, painter or writer might use their hands to carry out creative tasks, which have been transmitted directly from the brain. To unravel the mystery of the palms it is recommended you consult a fully experienced palm reader. Guruji is the UK’s leading Indian Palm Reader and has been reading people’s palms all his life. To help you understand the inner meanings, which are written on your palms, consult Guruji, Top Indian Palm Reader. Visit --

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The Science Of Astrology Explained BY LOVE PSYCHIC,ASTROLOGER & SPIRITUAL HEALER GURUJI It is said that astrology is the science of the stars. For many people astrology has been responsible for shaping their lives and cultures through a process of thought-provoking predictions and events that have occurred in the past, and which impact on the present and the future. The word “astrology” is derived from the Greek word “astrologia”, which is made up of two parts, “astron”, meaning “star” and “logia”, which means the “study of”. For centuries man has gazed up at the stars and wondered what it all means, and how it all fits in with our worldly idea of the universe and cosmos. Over time we have realised that movement or positioning of certain stars and planets can have an adverse effect on individuals, the weather and our planet as a whole. This influence has led us to investigate and study further the significance of the planets and their positioning and how this could possibly have any effect on our daily lives. A person who studies this science is known as an astrologer, and it is through this person that horoscope predictions are made. The role of the astrologer is to understand the meaning of our destiny by studying all the astrological information available. This includes planetary positions on any particular day in time, which represent our birth signs, better known as zodiac signs, and in doing this he or she is able to construct a map or predicted life path. Just as a captain of a ship may use a chart to find his way from one point to the other, an astrologer will create a chart for each star sign. Each chart will point to a possible series of events, which may have some affect on the individual in some way on any particular day in time. A professional astrologer can create a more accurate chart of predictions for any individual based on their exact time of birth. It is also quite common for people born under the same star sign to display very similar character traits and personalities. This enables the astrologer to better understand the inner and outward signs of a person. For example, it is said that people born under the sign of Taurus the bull often show a stubborn side, and those born under the sign of Libra will very often display a diplomatic side to their personality. Astrologers tell us that our horoscope is like a cosmic fingerprint and not two people have exactly the same destiny or fate awaiting them. It is the role of the astrologer to examine all the evidence he has put together in creating an individual’s personal chart, and interpret the findings in a way that makes sense for the individual. The astrologer has evolved a means for opening the doorway to the meaning of life for anyone who might wish to consult him or her. And if you’ve ever heard it said that your life is written in the stars then there just might be a lot of truth in that statement. Many scientists firmly believe that science holds the key to the meaning of life, and the astrology of science is proving this to be the case. More information about astrology can be found by visiting the website of the world renowned Indian Astrologer Guruji at:

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

So Why Would Anyone Want To Consult A Love Psychic?

So what is a love psychic? A love psychic is someone who can make predictions about your existing and future relationships. Generally a love psychic has the ability to assess your personality and ascertain how compatible you might be with someone who has specific interests and similar character traits.

A love psychic can point you in the right direction if you are looking for a particular type of person to share your life with. This can be very useful as many people tend to amble through life and get involved in relationships, which are neither mutually beneficial nor long-lasting. Not only does this practice waste much of your valuable time but very often leads to disappointment, pain and heartache.

By consulting a love psychic you will know exactly the right kind of person to seek out, if you really want to enjoy a long, happy and loving relationship. But that’s not all…

If you are already in a relationship, perhaps even married with a family, then you might want to consult a love psychic if you suspect your partner or spouse of cheating. If a partner is having a love affair then the signs are generally quite obvious, but not always easily accepted. It’s usual for the innocent party to ignore the signs because they just don’t want to believe that their one-time soul-mate is being deceitful.

In these circumstances, it might be best to consult a love psychic and discuss your particular situation rather than confront your partner or spouse directly. A love psychic will question you about certain aspects of your relationship and determine whether there might be grounds for suspicion. Then you can either act on his or her advice or just carry on and accept your fate, for the sake of the family.

Sooner or later though you will not be able to carry on with the charade for fear that someone else might find out about your partner’s infidelity and begin to spread the word. It just wouldn’t look good on you if people thought you were the last person to know about an avid affair right under your nose. However, if you consult a professional love psychic at least you will know the truth, and be able to make the right decision.

Another reason why someone might want to consult a love psychic is because of a break-up in a relationship. Any break-up is sad because two people who had previously shared intimate moments with each other and experienced a closeness that only comes from being at one with each other, is then lost forever in time.

How strongly you want to get that relationship back on track will depend on a number of factors, primarily your own determination. And with the help of an experienced love psychic you might be able to not only save your love but nurture it and make it grow into something much deeper and meaningful than it ever was before.

You can never assume that all is lost when your partner or lover walks out on you. There was a flame there once and if you believe it can be rekindled then with the help a caring love psychic you will have it in your power to experience the warmth and comfort of a love that can be cherished forever.

To find out more about this fascinating branch spiritual healing visit the website of Astrologer Guruji, one the world’s most famous love psychics at:

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Does The Practice Of Black Magic Really Exist?

The short answer to this question is a resounding yes! Black magic and voodoo have been around for centuries and is still very much practised in many Asian and African countries. What we know to be wizardry, witchcraft and sorcery also fall into the same category, so it is the case that these practises are alive and well in the western world also.
Black magic is defined as a means of bestowing misfortune and evil on others to cause them harm, discomfort, pain and unhappiness. As in every walk of life there is good and bad, and black magic also has its opposite, being white magic. The practice of black magic is not to be taken lightly as it can destroy people’s lives and bring misery to all who encounter its devilish effects.
To describe someone who practises black magic would be to liken them to a master of the dark arts or an occult practitioner or even a devil worshipper. There is obviously a spiritual connection and the practice often involves the calling of evil spirits to empower the practitioner in their unworldly deeds.
Practising the dark arts is not for the faint-hearted as it will inevitably lead to disturbing mental states, in which the practitioner may lose complete control of the situation. The dangers associated with black magic are all too evident and have been reported in the press on many occasions.
Like witchcraft, black magic involves casting spells on people, which can bring about disastrous consequences for the victim. Even the victim’s family can suffer as a result of the spell, which can sometimes go undetected for years. A run of bad luck might just be put down to a bad phase or be blamed on the economic climate. Continuous ill health might just be accepted as “one of those things”, and not associated with a black magic spell at all.
However, left undetected and untreated black magic can cause immeasurable loss of finance, bad feeling amongst family members and chronic health problems often leading to death. Many deaths due the curse of black magic are unexplained, as the causes are never obvious and the reasons are rarely evident.
In most cases black magic is cast upon its victims by their enemies. These might be people who are jealous and envious or just want a person out of the way. Often it is due to business or personal relationships but it could just as easily be for money reasons or just pure spitefulness.
Black magic is serious and the effects are serious. If it is detected in time then quite often the victim will consult with a spiritualist who will have the power to remove the spell.  This is not a simple or straight-forward process and can take time. It might involve several consultations, prayer and ritualistic chants. The spiritualist should be someone well versed in the practice of black magic removal, as its power can be overwhelming.
To learn more about the effects of black magic and how it can be safely removed, visit the website of spiritual healer Guruji at:

Tuesday, 11 September 2012


Renowned Indian Astrologer And Love Psychic Destined For London, UK

The world renowned Indian Astrologer and Love Psychic, Gurujee, is poised to set up a London based consultation service after many of his dedicated followers requested he move from Birmingham to the capital.

It is thought the new office will be used by Gurujee for private face-to-face consultations with people looking for help and advice about all manner of personal, relationship and work related problems. He will also have a dedicated phone line installed for people who are unable to visit his premises and who might prefer to consult him anonymously.

The highly regarded Vedic Astrologer is a popular figure worldwide with many clients from the US, UK and Europe, Canada, Africa, Australia and even Saudi Arabia. His predictions and consultations with many high profile celebrities has often attracted the attention of the media, which have profiled his character on Zee TV, Asianet-TV, BBC-Asianetwork (UK), XL Radio (Birmingham) and India Post Television USA.

His name began to circulate around many well known UK institutions and in 1995 Gurujee was the guest of British Airways, and successfully hosted a road show at Heathrow, Glasgow, Newcastle and Manchester Airports, which helped raise his profile still further.

Gurujee has been practicing his ancient craft since boyhood, having inherited the power of clairvoyance from his father, who also received the “gift” from his father before him. These mystical powers have been handed down over generations spanning almost 500 years, and have stoically stood the test of time.

In a recent interview Gurujee said, “I have many loyal followers in London and so it’s only fair that I provide a means for them to see me personally and consult with me on their own territory. As always, I will strive to help as many people as I can with whatever problem they present me with. If their faith is strong they will find solace in my words and deeds.”

Gurujee is often consulted about deep personal problems including relationship breakdowns and family feuds. One of his specialties is healing family rifts and mending broken love relations. He says that many of these awkward situations are simply based on mistrust and misunderstandings.

His reputation as a healer and love psychic are well known but sometimes he comes across more dark and sinister problems verging on the brink of evil and even immorality. However, he is well versed in all manner of black magic and is therefore well placed to deal with anything unworldly or otherwise.

Gurujee is an Indian born mystic, who for many years has provided answers to everyday problems, removed negative thoughts and emotions, brought about physical reunions and offered comfort and relief from psychological pain and disharmony. His many followers will bear witness to his power and magnificence, which has earned him the greatest respect and admiration of people from all walks of life.

For those who are unable to personally consult with him whether in London or in Birmingham, where he currently lives with his family, there are several other lines of communication open including email and telephone.

For more information and details about Astrologer and Love Psychic Gurujee and his full range of astrological and psychic services, it is recommended to visit his website at:

Astrologer & Love Psychic Guruji would like to say:
“Pure honest love can never be gained through ill means, for those who wish to reunite with a lover, there must be some element of love in person who has left you, in order for there to be a chance for you to get back together.
We cannot force someone to love us no matter how much we are hurting and whilst I will endeavour to always reunite you with a love, if this is truly not in your destiny it cannot be forced. To do so will be going against the laws of nature and would only attract bad karma for you in the long run.
As a Love psychic, Astrologer and Spiritual healer it is my duty to ensure you adopt the right means to obtaining your heart’s desires.
The strength of my Mantras, Yantras and other remedies have reunited many hundreds of people over the years, and my sheer dedication, positive thoughts and approach has bought so much happiness in many people’s lives. 
Through the right combination of remedies and my pure, honest approach I can help your wishes to come true.
Believe in me, trust me and see your dreams unfold….”
Love and Blessings Always
Love Psychic Guruji

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Ask Guruji To Bring Your Loved One Back Into Your Life


Are you experiencing problems in your personal relationship? Or have you recently broken up with a partner, boyfriend or girlfriend?
Losing someone close to you due to a breakdown in your relationship can have a devastating effect on your self-esteem, your self confidence and even your entire life. The heartbreak can leave you feeling completely empty inside, worthless and even suicidal. But there is hope…
You don't have to suffer in silence and accept the situation you find yourself in, you can now seek professional help and guidance.
Guruji is a world-renowned Love Psychic and spiritual healer, who specialises in assisting people to try to repair broken and unhappy relationships. He comes from a long line of ancestors in India who have special gifts and skills in both the psychic and spiritual healing field. Having inherited these special gifts and talents, Guruji can use a combination of his psychic abilities, spiritual healing and prayers to try to help reunite you with your ex partner and attempt to heal marital rifts and unstable relationships. His special skills have already helped many couples worldwide, the testimonials below are taken from real people who have sought Guruji's assistance in their personal matters and have genuinely been delighted with the results he has provided.
Many relationships, especially long term relationships can be affected by misunderstandings, lack of communication and circumstances beyond your control. Through his wealth of experience, sheer strength and dedication in spiritual healing, Guruji can potentially help remove some or even all this negativity, empowering you to restore mutual trust and harmony to your life and your relationship.

No matter what the circumstances or the reasons for your break up, Guruji offers hope of reconciliation. Why not contact him today and see what he can do for you?.

Proven and Outstandingly Accurate - A True Born Psychic with Indian Astrology Ability.
By the Grace of God, Astrologer & Spiritual Healer Guruji's followers span 30 countries worldwide, and his spiritual healing and guidance has benefited many thousands of people. Guruji specializes in mending broken relationships and reuniting lovers. If your partner has left you or is cheating on you and treating you badly, then you should consult Guruji. He can help solve your relationship problems and restore trust and happiness to your life.
In this day and age you will find that people lack commitment in relationships, and don't stay with their partner or spouse for the long term. Now there is no need to worry as Guruji can bring you closer to the person you love.
Guruji has reunited 1250 couples from 30 different countries and their testimonials bear witness to how successfully Guruji resolved the problems they had. Guruji's prayers and spell casting is superior to all other psychics.
He says, "I don't get technical with explanations that just confuse you. You know what I am speaking of If you have visited other websites that try to impress you by a lot of words and no action. My spiritual rituals are all action and I get the job done.
My spells are cast by my own method of combining Indian Astrology, Vedic Ritual, Vedic Astrology, Hanumanji powerful Mantra and Durga Mantra. I use special powerful spells and ritual root work, which gives my clients a much higher success. Come to me with any problems like restoring lost love, remove black magic, stop separation & divorce, love & marriage, marriage of your choice, Influence your lover & bind your love.


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Client's Testimonials

Astrologer Guruji is a lovely, kind, caring and genuine Spiritual Healer & Specialised in Bring the love back. I was having lots of problems with my Boyfriend of 2 years. He kept threatening to leave me and move to Malaysia for good. Within 4 weeks my boyfriend changed his mind and decided to stay with me! We are now very much in love and are much closer. I would like to thanks Guruji. ... 
Miss Rita Patel, 17/08/2011, London, Uk

Ready To Solve

  •   1. Reunite with your lost love
  •   2. Bring your partner back
  •   3. Get your ex back
  •   4. Influence your partner
  •   5. Create a binding love
  •   6. Stop cheating partners
  •   7. Stop separation & divorce
  •   8. Get back your lover's trust
  •   9. Restore a loving relationship
  • 10. Protection from your enemies

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All information given by Guruji is provided for entertainment purposes only. Whilst all services carried out by Guruji are conducted with care and in good faith, Guruji assumes no liability for the use or misuse of any information that you receive from Guruji in person, by telephone, through our website or via any other means.
Gurejee cannot take any responsibility for decisions made by you that are based on advice, consultations, guidance, readings, lessons or other services received from Guruji in person, by telephone, or through our website. The services provided by Guruji are not meant in any way to replace professional advice in the fields of medicine, law, psychiatry, financial planning or religion. Guruji shall not be liable for any personal misfortune or any emotional distress that may be experienced in respect of any form of advice or guidance received through or from Guruji.
Guruji makes no warranties, promises, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about your future prospects or earnings, or that you will benefit financially or emotionally with respect to your purchase of our services. You are entirely responsible for your own choices and Guruji accepts no responsibility for the consequences of any decisions you take as a result of the services of Guruji. All fees paid to Guruji by any means of payment, whether by cash, cheque, credit card, via telephone charges or any other means are non refundable in any event. These exclusions and limitations are not intended to limit any of your statutory rights which may not be excluded or limited in any way as to avoid Guruji's liability to you for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or of that of our employees, servants or agents.
Guruji, world renowned astrologer, palmist, face reader, numerologist and spiritualist, welcomes you.
These are the services provided by the UK's most respected and genuine, god gifted indian psychic, medium, clairvoyant, indian astrologer, palmist, face reader, spiritualist, numerologist and vaastu expert.

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